Latest Episode

  • Bible II: Apocrypha

    Our look at forgotten parts of the Bible continues with the Apocrypha. Here is the list of books (RSV): 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Tobit Judith Additions to the Book of Esther Wisdom of Solomon Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach Baruch Letter of Jeremiah Prayer of Azariah Susanna Bel and the Dragon Prayer of Manasseh […]

  • Bible II: Leviticus

    In Forgotten Bible, we explore parts of the Bible that are often overlooked. We begin with Leviticus.

  • Practical Theology III: Write Your Own Hymn!

    In this episode, Michael looks at the words we use and how they change over time. Then we write a hymn! A portion of Psalm 139, suggested to aid in your writing: O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my […]

Master of Divinity Podcast

Join me for a look at the basic degree in Christian theology.

The overall purpose of this podcast is to give you a broad outline of the kinds of things ministers learn as they prepare to serve the church. Five areas—Bible, history, ethics, theology, and practical theology—make up the

outline of the degree. Each topic forms a course of three or four episodes, with the first 20 or so episodes dedicated to introductory material. We will then begin a series of advanced courses, continuing to examine our five main areas.


Thoughtful, well researched podcasts. Very informative. Looking forward to more episodes.
—Dr. Abigail Johnson, author of “Reflecting with God: Connecting Faith and Daily Life in Small Groups”

Future Episodes

Future courses include Jesus on Trial, An Introduction to Pastoral Care, and Biomedical Ethics.

About Michael

Michael Kooiman is a retired minister of the United Church of Canada. Most of his 31 years in ministry was spent in Toronto, serving congregations with a heart for community outreach. Michael’s passion is preaching: he completed a Doctor of Ministry in homiletics in 2009.